Who is Constable NE2546 who kicks members of the public in the head for fun?

Constable NE2546 who kicks members of the public in the head for fun

We had an epidemic of poor nutrition, high blood sugar and over use of pharmaceuticals. People around the world were waking up to that and grouping together to help each other have better health. This movement towards better health was stopped in its tracks early in 2020 by illegal ‘lockdowns’, where healthy people were told to stay in their homes. This deprived many of sunlight and exercise. Exercise? Yes, for example Park Run was stopped. For many nutrition worsened as they shopped less often and had less fresh food. Governments pretended that nutrition did not matter and politicians laughed at the fact that vitamins C and D can be used to prevent colds and ‘flu.

So a pLLandemic was created. Not by a virus from Wuhan but by governments and mainstream media.

Now, there is a far greater threat to our health and that comes in the form of police brutality and what may follow on from that.

Above is a still image of Constable NE2546 just after he has kicked a member of the public in the head for fun. Seriously, this monster has been caught on camera committing a serious crime. I intend to report this crime, even though doing so may put my life at risk if other police come for me for telling the truth.

Police brutality is causing mental challenges that can only be resolved by eliminating police brutality.

Around the world millions of people are living in fear of the police. Our regular friendly ‘bobby-on-the-beat’ is fine and still how most in Britain like to think of our police force. The trouble is our police may no longer be our police as so many of them no longer seem interested in our welfare.

These are not protestors the police are pushing around. These are New Year Revellers. Most are sober law-abiding citizens including children and pensioners.

What has this to do with bipolar disorder?

Bipolar is essentially a reaction to anxiety – an escape from anxiety into depression or mania. Into a Down mood or a Busy mood.

When we witness injustice / atrocities we become enraged. That is a mood of higher energy and negativity. To get out of that mood we can either stay negative, decide there is nothing anyone can do and be Down, else we can be positive, decide we can do something and get Busy, doing that something.

Down-Mood or Busy-Mood.

Busy… Typing this blog-post, then sharing it widely, then finding out how to report a crime, then reporting it and perhaps asking others to report it.

By taking action my mood does not have to stay at an extreme. I can then be calm and sleep. Yes, I will wake fearful of a knock on the door. Maybe Constable NE2546 will come after me. Yes, maybe it’ll be best if many people report this crime as he won’t be able to kick every one of us.

It needs to be done to stop to what is happening. It is too like black and white film I have seen of how the NAZI took over in Germany about 90 years ago.

If you have not watched the video yet, please do so and see if you then have the same feeling of outrage I have been experiencing and maybe you will join those of us who oppose tyranny. Please.

Police Kick Protester In Head & Assault Crowd on New Year’s Eve – YouTube


I am okay with people saying that rapid-extreme shifts in mood after seeing terrible things happen is a ‘bipolar thing’ but not that it is a disorder. This is normal/healthy. It is the police, here who are being abnormal and such actions are unhealthy.


About Roger Smith (in the UK)
Helping you to think about bipolar disorder in different ways so that we can eliminate the disorder and eventually eliminate the need for this diagnosis.

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