“I can’t take any more bad news. I won’t entertain that idea”

I am going to justify writing about ‘pandemic’ type stuff in my bipolar blog as you may spot how I reveal something of what may have been ‘a psychotic high’, I personally experienced, early in the UK’s first ever lockdown.

What I am sensing is that each of us has a point at which we switch off and say, “I can’t take any more bad news. I won’t entertain  that idea”

I accept it is VERY LIKELY that;

  • Good nutrition will keep almost all viruses in check almost all the time
  • I had a SARS-type infection (what came to be called COVID19) in November 2019, it was horrible but with extra C and D was over the worst in 2 days
  • Lockdowns
    • wreck economies such that the world can be transformed with the richest getting richer even quicker and the poor getting poorer even quicker
    • cause permanent disabilities for many
    • have caused many people to die early
  • Even:
    • a handshake (without gloves) provides a little oxytocin and allows me to feel valued
    • one hug per week boosts my mood and immune system massively
  • My burned leg would have healed in days had I been treated at A&E instead of being (irrationally) terrified when I arrived there because it had been radically altered. (I was unwell, believing that was where they were disposing of bodies of people killed by the government during lockdown!)
  • Relatives and friends of mine died due to NHS staff being less efficient. For example:
    • Some staff sent home due to false positives
    • Wearing ‘PPE’ (to protect against a virus that had been identified as less lethal than ‘flu for most of population)
  • The ‘jabs’ do a lot more harm than good (other than perhaps placebo-effect for some who have a good-ish immune system but were afraid to leave home until jabbed!)

I could go on and on, yet the point I want to get to is that my mind will not accept,

  • Research where unvaccinated women are developing menstrual and bleeding disorders from being in close, prolonged proximity to others who have been vaccinated with the mRNA vacccines, Moderna, mainly. The vaccinated are breathing out the spike proteins and the immune system in unvaccinated is responding with platelet dysfunction and clotting disorders. Others who have miscarried, although miscarriage is sadly all too common.”

It would seem that we all have a limit to what we find credible, yet that limit is not necessarily based on logic, evidence, proof… It seems more to be that we reject anything that would change our world-view so radically that we would cease to function.

I have written the above, revealing my weakness (in that I accepted a ‘conspiracy theory’ too far that  stopped me getting my leg treated). I do so as I hope it will prompt responses to my question,

Are we all accepting some apparently wacky ideas while rejecting others without wanting to ever delve into why the theories we reject are needed by others?

For anyone who has read the above rejecting all I believe, here is one wacky yet mainstream belief you may have bought into: “Lockdowns save lives” Polls show the majority in the UK still believe this, even though the very best a UK-style-lockdown can do is slow the spread of a virus but that slows the development of population immunity, which overall causes a longer more severe epidemic.

From all this you can tell I am still obsessed by how the world I knew seems to have changed so radically since March 2020, and wondering what my part may be in the new world order.

From one of my presentations – If you’d like to hire me for a talk anywhere in UK please ask

Denying Your Feelings – Stop Denying Them!

I have tidied up and pasted an email response I have made just now to a very good friend,

Thank you for sharing from: DailyOM <today@dailyom.com>, Date: 13 Apr 2021 09:58 Subject: Denying Your Feelings)

I am struggling to read even the 3 paragraphs, while feeling so much pressure to be helping people wake up to the harm being done by experimental jabs (for the sake of massive financial gains by a tiny minority).

I note and will comment on some ideas from the article you have forwarded…

“We may let our feelings out in an immediate and visceral way,”

– Not new, yet this is something I have to get it into my head. This could well be why I find getting dressed before about 9am seems impossible most mornings (currently 8:15am), yet after some horrible noisy crying in the bathroom I am able to behave more like a healthy adult.

Having my ‘ex’ in hospital, likely for many weeks, and seeming unable to visit is ‘doing my head in’ – especially as the logic most people use is more like… “Move on, she’s an ‘ex’. ” – Okay, that is just my latest ‘story’.

the emotions you deny could morph into unconscious anger or self-hatred.”

– They have!

“Expressing your thoughts to friends or family can be helpful.”

– Yes, used to be something easy to do when sharing a home. I need to adapt/change now to a strange ‘new normal’.

“Give whatever you are feeling simple words…”

– Even just realising I am not now at rock-bottom may be useful for me.

“…funnel your feelings into a creative outlet, physical exercise, or chores.”

– Yes, I used to do a lot of this – it works.

“…speaking your feelings out loud to yourself can be a healing release.”

– I need to swallow pride or whatever stops me talking to self.

“Suppressing our happiness or excitement can be just as unhealthy.”

– A new idea to me. And yes, the world situation seems so bad that I have almost certainly, unconsciously suppressed ‘positive’ feelings.

Thank you for sending me this article.


Birdsong – What’s the Time?

Birdsong – What’s the Time? – Warning: this is an unedited, 6am, 600 word ramble. I enjoyed writing it and think readers will enjoy… reading time? 5mins maybe.

I’d been awake for a while when the dawn-chorus suddenly started as it does almost everywhere everyday throughout the spring here in England. What I noticed, that I’d never noticed before was that it started as if someone had switched on a tape player. Ha! Of course, someone could have switched on a tape player outside my bedroom window that I’d left open. Now, would that be verging on psychosis? I’ll leave you to make up your mind about that. Didn’t Einstein say something like, “Intelligence is being able to keep two ideas in the mind at the same time”? Possibly he did not use those exact words. There seems to be some truth in it. I suggest that unless a tape recorder outside the bedroom window were to become the dominant idea then all is fine.

So why did the birdsong strike me as being different this morning?

Cricky… I am not even going to use time trying to identify all possibilities. Here is theory number…

  1. I left the bedroom window open overnight and had not done that on the previous few nights
  2. There is a lot less traffic of all kinds. (a big chunk of rambling starts here) Lying in bed the sound of a distant train or plane may have been what woke me an hour or so earlier. I listened to the sound and could not make out: plane or train? I thought that would surely be obvious… then, remembering almost every plane is grounded…

And yes I may put this in or after everything I write for the next few days, COVID19 is serious and not getting infected needs to be everyone’s priority all over the world. Don’t anyone think they are safe. Take care out there.

…and surely no passenger train runs through here at that ‘unearthly’ hour, it could be a freight train? Not many of those these days, but probably what disturb the silence (silence other than moderate tinnitus).

My mind then said Cargo Plane / Freight Train… no idea why not the other way around. What does that sound like? Freight Plane / Cargo Train. Nope, still no clue. It don’t matter!

Getting back to birdsong: I figured that if the birds were up then it must be light outside. I drew back the curtain and what did I see? Darkness! Hang-on!

I went to the bathroom and DAYLIGHT! I sleep in a west facing bedroom until the summer kicks in then ideally move to an east facing one (God knows how I got to live in a house like this considering how much time I am not earning any money) because west facing gets too hot as the sun goes down. Bathroom? East facing with thin curtains… Who can see me through the curtains if I have the light on? Now that is probably not for the psychosis or neurosis label. That is more like paranoia… Hang-on… Could that be a healthy paranoia… and might it be a good example of that?

Getting back to the plot: Her bathroom blind looked thick from the inside, but parking my car late one evening in the big town-centre-car-park behind her place, it was obvious the blinds were near enough see-through. This was a few years back, so not sure whether it was same day that I fitted additional curtains. I never checked to see if blinds plus curtains did the job… Okay that is the very bottom of this page, so stopping – no conclusion – no definitive answers. Does all life provide food for thought?

Public Health Collaboration – How You Can Find Zero-Cost Support for Your NHS Practice #PHCUK

I spent yesterday with 15 other Public Health Collaboration ambassadors. We are all ready to help Health Care Professionals to help their patients.

Our focus is on helping everyone to have the best possible blood sugar and insulin levels. In doing so we are helping to; reverse diabetes, fatty liver diseases, reduce obesity, make cancer/heart-attacks/strokes less likely, protect eyesight and so on.

To get zero-cost support for your NHS practice, click on this map to be taken to the PHC-UK ambassadors pageFinding a Local PHC-UK AmbassadorThat’s me – in Grantham, Lincolnshire.

Currently, there are only about 200 PHC ambassadors covering the whole of the UK (News-flash: If the page is up to date then there are now 236 ambassadors in 201 locations.)

More good news: The Public Health Collaboration charity are training more new PHC ambassadors in Manchester next weekend.

Public Health Collaboration – Tackling the Causes to Improve Everyone’s Well-being

Tomorrow = Saturday 7th March 2020 will be my first full day in my role as an ambassador for the charity, Public Health Collaboration (PHC).

On Wednesday 11th March I will be making my first presentations to NHS staff, explaining how PHC can help with improving the health of patients while saving money at their surgery.

These are exciting times, now that the causes of so many diseases (and ‘dis-eases’) have become better understood, because eliminating the causes so often eliminates the suffering.

Whether you are a doctor, nurse or member of the public, if you are prepared for big changes, to get well and stay well, then I believe I/we can help you.

PHC Resources: https://phcuk.org/resources/

To contact a local PHC ambassador (UK only) visit: https://phcuk.org/ambassadors/

If you can find Grantham on the map, you can click there to get my email address.

Sharing more…

This morning I asked friends their thoughts on my change of strategy for sharing what I notice helps people get well and stay well. Here is one reply that seems to confirm I do need to share more through this blog…

“Hi Roger, Sharing on social media is essential for your business and reputation to grow. If you don’t share…then you are simply writing your thoughts down but it won’t reach anyone and benefit anyone. With social media it’s all about consistency …because people do watch and listen. However it takes a number of attempts for them to actually give you their attention. Persistence and consistency is key. Find the medium that you like and work with it. So my answer is YES it is definitely worth it. In a short time you can reach hundreds of people.”

A new approach to rethinking bipolar

It is almost 21 years since I was last a patient on a psychiatric ward. It is nearly 10 years since I took any prescription medication. Bipolar is fading into my history. My illness/disorder has left me with a strong interest in how people get well and stay well and that is what I have been researching and writing about since getting really well myself. I want to share what I have learned so far and what I learn – every day.

I am going to change the way I use this blog. Instead of limiting what I share to things related directly to bipolar, I will be sharing a wider range of information about getting well and staying well.

I feel okay about this as all illnesses/disorders are linked. If we can get our bodies healthier then it becomes easier to get our brains and minds healthier.

Please look-in regularly and let me know if you like this new approach to rethinking bipolar.

Believe in good nutrition then eat well stay well

I have been asked, how much our susceptibility to any illness or disorder is due to beliefs rather than to do with healthy nutrition/lifestyle. More specifically it was in a discussion about the latest corona-virus. Here is my reply,

Yes, beliefs are so very important when it comes to viruses. In my world, beliefs and actions go hand-in-hand.

When we believe we can resist the virus by ensuring we have daily vitamins C & D and zinc then we find a way to include these nutrients in our daily meals.

I accept that even the best food choices can be undermined by belief about diseases.

Beliefs that create fear seem to lead to greater vulnerability to all sorts of illnesses and disorders (including bipolar diagnosis). Mainly though, stats and science tell us that people who eat well stay well. Also, people who have been eating fairly well before an infectious disease or disorder comes along, in general, recover quicker, than malnourished people.

In 2018, I found a way of quickly checking my subconscious self-limiting beliefs then balancing those with empowering beliefs. To qualify as a facilitator of this modality of knowing and balancing beliefs I attended a course with Sharon Lock in Leeds, UK.

Here is a 3 minute video made during that very 3 day course (I appear, yet do not have a ‘speaking part’ 🙂 )

Would you like to hear more about food or more about beliefs?

Not Bipolar Today? Cholesterol for Life

I have been much healthier recently. Off all medications for many years now and getting back into the world. Not easy after Bipolar 1. It takes time.

I continue to be interested in recovery from mental health troubles (even today I have paid research work on this at Nottingham University) yet more interested in sharing what we can do physically to be well.

Maybe, by April, I’ll be writing on subjects more related to mood. For now, this is planning for Saturday. Hoping lots of people come along to learn about the importance/usefulness of healthy cholesterol.

Upstairs at the museum - Cholesterol for Life - 23rd March 2019

Good Physical Health for Good Mental Health

I am continuing with Displays and Discussions near my home, while making these ‘transportable’, by which I mean I can pack it all into my car to share anywhere in England, Wales or Scotland. If you’d like to find out more about reversing bipolar or whatever has been challenging your well-being please contact me.

Next 3 Display and Discussion events:Wellness at Grantham Museum 23rd March to 6th April 2019 - Roger Smith - sharewellness.co.uk

Wellness Fair in Grantham, Lincs, UK 12th January 2019 1pm to 4pm

Wellness Fair at Grantham Museum

Printable copy of the above = Wellness Fair Poster for 12th January 2019 1pm – 4pm – On Plain Background

Coloured background  = Wellness Fair Poster for 12th January 2019 1pm – 4pm – Final

Brain Health Course with Roger Smith

Brain Health – It is what we all need.

I hope you can join us at Folks & Fables Cafe, Long Acre, Bingham, Nottinghamshire  NG13 8AFBrain Health - Feb 2018 at Folks and Fables


How I Beat Bipolar

‘How I Beat Bipolar’ is a day of presentations, activities and discussions in Leicester, UK.

This is for:

  • people who experience excess anxiety, depression or mania
  • charity workers, professionals, family, carers and supporters

Beat-Bipolar-Leicester-2017-Sept-19 - online advert

  1. Understanding my internal and external moods
  2. Getting into, on-to and then over recovery
  3. Divide and conquer – ‘causes’ and ‘cures’
  4. Know what you want / Behaviour for what you need
  5. From victim/rescuer to driver/navigator

Reserve a place: www.wraptraining.co.uk

Example slide:
How I Beat Bipolar - example slide

Brain Health – Maximizing Memory – Roger Smith

Maximizing Memory (Part 1 – Focus on Food and Drink)

Thursday 23rd February 2017

Folks and Fables, Bingham

2:30pm to 3:30pm    and    6:30pm to 7:30pm

This is my next talk, followed by discussion, sharing much of the new research into:

  • Improving our memory
  • Growing new brain cells

Find out more from Folks and Fables

Sharing Wellness – Free to attend, Bingham, Notts, UK
