From Fear Back To Positivity

A few weeks ago, kind of by chance, I met David Icke. He was going to hug me. I shook his hand.

It is not so long since almost everyone in the UK seemed to think Mr Icke had become too weird to pay any attention to. He’d been on prime-time TV saying the royal family were lizards. I have not read enough of his books to know if he believes/believed they are biologically reptiles. Possibly, the point he was making was that many of ‘elites’ behave as if they have no understanding of the emotions most of us experience.

Only today, I have heard two people say that our current Health Secretary is a lizard and I know they are referring only to the way he doesn’t blink when interviewed and seems to relish having ever more power while going along with decisions that cause unnecessary harm.

Putting lizards aside, I have undoubtedly been living with fear. Other people’s fear and my own fear, which at times seems as extreme as fear can be. Much of the time I am fearful of masks. Not that masks are inherently dangerous. It is more because of the blind obedience they represent. It is how wearing masks without questioning why tends to go with things like not wanting to know what is in ‘vaccines’ or why locking down society was allowed when all that is needed is protection and appropriate support for the frail people.

What if I were able to choose not to be afraid of ‘lizards’, masks and everything else?

Well, I think David Icke is making a lot more sense these days and why I was happy to shake his hand.

A friend has asked for my view on the David Icke video below. Well, it makes sense. I cannot say to what extent the mood, feeling or vibrational energy we have changes the world around us. It does however make a lot of sense to me to choose to feel empowered. Doing the opposite of, continuing to feel disempowered and fearful, makes no sense.

How does someone like me; overcome fears and regain enough confidence to feel and act positively? Here is a dull answer if put up against the video below for entertainment value! The most important thing, for me, at this time, seems to be to make a plan for tomorrow and keep doing this day-after-day. Recently my life seems to one of, “Failing to plan and so effectively planning to fail.”

I am inspired. I have made a plan for tomorrow. I am grateful to the friend who forwarded this to me:

Anxiety from Current Affairs

It could be said that fear and anxiety are the main drivers for mood disorders. For a year now the message in this picture has been one of 3 things driving my anxiety. I am not so afraid for myself as I am for the world I have known which seems to be rapidly disappearing. If you have similar feelings there is hope. Contact me.

Repealed Genocide Act Precludes Indicting UK Government Officers To ICC